Make sure your business is fully protected against unexpected damage with our commercial property insurance. Commercial Property insurance can protect your business against losses if something happens to the property - like a fire or water damage. You can choose to cover the building, the contents inside, or both. You'll have peace of mind to focus on running and growing your business.
Who needs it
Essential for any business that:
owns or rents property, such as an office building, a warehouse, or a retail store.
What's Covered
Let's protect your biggest investments - your building and equipment
Protection against damage or destruction of buildings, equipment, and inventory
Coverage for losses caused by fire, storms, theft, vandalism, and other perils
Optional coverage for floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters
Business Interruption Coverage
Protection against lost income and extra expenses that result from covered property damage
Coverage for rent, salaries, and other ongoing expenses during the period of interruption
Other Coverages and Options
Additional coverages for business equipment breakdown, valuable papers, and electronic data
Optional coverages for terrorism, cyberattacks, and other specialized risks
Deductibles, limits, and exclusions that affect the scope and cost of coverage.